Power Pilates

Build control, core strength, balance, muscular endurance and flexibility in an intense Pilates class. Based on the Pilates method, Power Pilates is a full body workout focused on intensity and burning sensations. We often use props like the Theraband, Overball, blocks and weights and move to energetic, motivating music.

Harmonizing Yin & Crystal Bowls

In this beautiful Sunday evening class we fully let go. We focus on slowing down and finding stillness in our postures to harmonize body, mind, and energy. With the breath we quiet the mind, allowing the body to relax in Asanas for a while and release the tension. Sara’s voice and the soundbath will lead you to your ease and tranquility – feeling grounded and hugged for the weekend.

Dynamic Vinyasa Flow

In this dynamic flow you are invited to align with yourself and feel back in touch with yourself. A strong flow that ignites your inner fire and leads you to a peak pose – with time to try variations.Then equally time for calming down to feel the effects of your practice. Always coming back to the core: why are we practicing?
As Isabelle Dikumbi is also a musician she will always have a sound surprise in Shavasana for you. We end the practice with a short meditation.


Jivamukti Open by Gesina

In this class, physical exercises come together with music, guided breathing, spiritual themes and meditation. Jivamukti Yoga combines ethical and spiritual ideas with a powerful practice that allows practitioners to connect the teachings in class to their everyday lives. You practice within your own means, supported by the guidance of the teacher, who always offers different variations and hands-on-assists. In each class you will chant, get philosophical input from the ancient yogic scriptures, meditate and relax in shavasana after practice.

Vinyasa & Meditation

Take this class to nourish your body after a long day bringing back an energy flow. Then winding down & taking time for a longer meditation at the end.A perfect way to enter into your evening.

Jivamukti Open by Sophie

A Jivamukti class is built around its 5 tenets: ahimsa (kindness), asana (seat or connection to Earth), bhakti (devotion), shastra (study of ancient scriptures) and nada (sound). You will be carefully guided through powerful breath-led vinyasa sequences as well as steady holds. In each class you will chant, get philosophical input from the ancient yogic scriptures, meditate and relax after practice.

Yin & Restorative Soundhealing

This class blends the meditative poses of Yin Yoga with therapeutic sound vibrations from instruments like crystal bowls, gongs, and the didgeridoo. Yin Yoga enhances flexibility and inner calm, while sound vibrations promote balance and harmony. The didgeridoo reduces stress, crystal bowls resonate with energy centers, and the gong induces profound relaxation. Combined with healing voice vibrations, this fusion nourishes body, mind, and spirit, leaving you refreshed and revitalized.

Conscious Pilates Flow

An energizing and conscious Pilates class perfect for taking a break to regain vitality and focus. In this class, we center our practice on the meticulous execution of each movement, emphasizing the importance of proper breathing technique and harnessing the power of the core. Through deliberate attention to detail, we cultivate not only physical strength but also mental clarity and presence. All levels welcome.

Full Body Fusion

An effective full body workout for alignment, strength, length, flexibility, balance and  control . Props and music are a must ! For that extra glow ✨️

Pilates Fusion

Pilates Fusion class, is a dynamic blend of traditional Pilates principles, modern fitness methodologies, and elements of yoga. Through a harmonious integration of core-strengthening exercises, flexibility-enhancing movements, invigorating cardio sequences, and mindful yoga poses, participants can expect a holistic approach to fitness that targets muscle tone, endurance, and overall well-being. This class offers a comprehensive workout experience suitable for all levels, aimed at cultivating physical strength, mental clarity, and body awareness.

Power Flow

Elevate your practice with a Power Flow Yoga class! Strengthen both body and mind through a dynamic blend of stretch and strengthening drills, alongside traditional yoga poses. Move with your breath and music, creating a stimulating sensory experience. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting your yoga journey, this class welcomes all levels. Come flow with me and feel the strength within !

Hips Don't Lie – Vinyasa

Stiffness, lower back or knee pain, & even emotional blockages often arise through tight hip muscles and rigid joints.

This class is for all levels and will guide you through a flowy vinyasa practice with mobilizing, strengthening, stretching & shaking the whole body but focusing on your core, legs and hips.

Kundalini Yoga & Gong

Kundalini Yoga and Gong: creatively taught by Ben Okamoto (Boto). Kundalini yoga is one of the quickest methods of ascension into ‘nirvana’ – where every moment of infinity is perfect and pleasurable. The teaching and practice of ancient techniques used in Kundalini such as physical asana, meditation, mantra, breath-work and imagination allows us to activate dormant powers of connection, creativity and physical mastery that is available to all beings.

Jivamukti Open by Annina

In this class, physical exercises come together with music, guided breathing, spiritual themes and meditation. Jivamukti Yoga combines ethical and spiritual ideas with a powerful practice that allows practitioners to connect the teachings in class to their everyday lives. You practice within your own means, supported by the guidance of the teacher, who always offers different variations and hands-on-assists. In each class you will chant, get philosophical input from the ancient yogic scriptures, meditate and relax in shavasana after practice.

Power Vinyasa Flow

Fast-paced vinyasa flow that enhances strength, flexibility & endurance. Embrace challenges, explore limits, & connect with your inner self. Uniting athleticism & spirituality, this empowering class breaks distractions, leaving you more uplifted & refreshed.

Morning Vinyasa

This is a modern vinyasa class for movement lovers who want a challenge. To me, vinyasa yoga is all about transitions; how to mindfully get from point A to point B. There is whole world of possibilities that opens up when considering the ways of getting from A to B, and that is where my creativity as a teacher thrives.

Booty & Abs Sculpt

A dynamic mat-pilates inspired class that will light your glutes and abs on fire! We’ll use props like booty-bands or a pilates ball to provide that extra burn. Expect good beats, lots of sweat, smiles, and endorphins

Yin Yoga & Sound Meditation

Take a moment at the beginning of your week to slow down and find your centre. In this gentle yet deep yin practice, you will cultivate stillness while opening the body, strengthening the connective tissues and stimulating the meridians to enhance the flow of energy. Expect delicious long-held stretches, nuggets of wisdom from the Eastern mindfulness traditions, a carefully curated playlist and a sound meditation savasana. No prior experience needed

Vinyasa Flow: Harmony in Motion

Experience the dynamic energy of „Harmony in Motion,“ a Vinyasa Flow yoga class. This invigorating practice blends breath and movement promoting balance strength and serenity at the same time.
You will be guided through a sequence that builds heat releases tension and cultivates calmness. Flowing seamlessly between poses synchronizing breath with each movement.

Weekend Flow

This Saturday morning class is a revitalizing 75-minute class that aims to both ground and energize your body. Immerse yourself in a creative blend of Vinyasa Flow and Ashtanga – perfect for both beginners and advanced yogis. We flow gracefully in yoga asanas that promote flexibility and strength. With a strong emphasis on mindful breathing, this session will leave you feeling centered and connected. 

Energizing Sunrise Flow

You can expect a vigorous and sequenced practice of asanas, concentration/meditation exercises, breathing techniques, chanting and philosophy. The class can be adapted to value all beginners who would like to start their yoga journey.

Soft Sunday Flow

A gentle, balanced Vinyasa class that invites you to open your heart and find confidence in your body. In a soft sequence of warm-ups, sun salutations and various standing, seated and lying poses, we will strengthen, stretch, and flow to the sound of the music, with our bodies’ intuition guiding us. Ending on pranayama, meditation and a soothing Savasana, you will leave the class rejuvenated and a little bit more in love with yourself. „You don’t need loneliness, for you couldn’t possibly be alone.

Energy Boost Vinyasa

Take an hour to re-connect to your body and your breath in this energizing vinyasa class. Moving from grounding postures to an invigorating flow and challenging ourselves with a peak posture to get an energy boost for the rest of our day/ week.

Kundalini for Emotional Release

I am here to empower you to hold yourself. To me, Kundalini Yoga is about building relationships — with oneself, the divine, and the world. It is a transformative tool to become still, to become utterly present, to regulate and to reset your nervous system. This is a 60-minute class, ideal to start your day with posture, breath, intention and a smile. We visit the moments between breaths, where magic and wisdom reside, often drowned out by life’s clamor. We release emotions that we know longer need, giving ourselves allowance to feel and sink into our bodies. I am certified with Yoga Alliance in Kundalini Global. Join me for an inclusive and fun way to explore your own body and lean into your power.

Somatics, Restorative & Sound

Find deep relaxation on all levels and restore your body-mind complex to its optimal health. The practice starts with gentle breathwork and slow floor-based (clinical) somatic exercises to consciously release the muscles, preparing the body for stillness. Then, supported by a beautiful soundscape with ancient instruments, you will enter restorative postures to slow down completely and rest deeply.

Sound Healing

Embark on Leda’s Sound Journey. An enchanting fusion of artistry, healing, and Gongs’ mystical allure. Experience profound vibrations, evoking relaxation and curiosity for the captivating world of sound healing. Harmonize heart and mind, leaving transformed and attuned to life’s symphony.


Where Ballet Meets Fitness—discover BalleTonic! This class combines strength and flexibility training with Pilates, yoga, and barre to sculpt, strengthen, and lengthen your body. Perfect your posture and grace in an environment that celebrates femininity and empowerment. Join us and transform through ballet-inspired fitness!

Nectar of Yoga Nidra & Crystal Bowls

Welcome to the sacred practice of Yoga Nidra, as you lay down in a comfortable way, Fanny will guide you into a meditation that might bring you into a deep conscious sleep state. Yoga Nidra means „yogic sleep“ or  “effortless relaxation” aiming to rejuvenate body and mind, promote deep relaxation and bring you towards a state between waking and sleeping. Along with that, there will be sounds of the crystal bowl as well to help you fully let yourself go into the present moment.